Happy New Year

After a nice holiday break we’re back and ready to make comics. Since I’ve posted I’ve been spending most of my time working on some other little projects and a Tal Nor prose story. This story has been fighting me a little bit, but as soon as it is complete I’ll be sharing a preview of it here. Subscribers to the newsletter will receive a PDF of the whole story. Just another perk of being a subscriber. There a subscription button at the top of the sidebar to the right (hint, hint)

The other thing I have been working on is getting all my ducks in a row for Kickstarting the next issue. And this is where I could you come in. what type of rewards would you like to see offered in the next Kickstarter? Should we do another variant cover? More posters? Smaller prints? Send your suggestions to TalNorComics@gmail.com or leave a comment below. As an incentive, I’ll be giving away the digital code for a Marvel movie that I happen to have an extra code for, to a random person who gives a suggestion. You have until 1/21/2017 to be eligible.

Finally, I wrote this creepy little bit of flash fiction. Enjoy:


As I walked down the suburban street I came on a child riding a bicycle. The training wheels on either side were bent from leaning hard to take tight turns. When she rode in a straight line, neither touch the ground. Coming closer I noticed she had in her hand a red party cup. The kind you’d see at just about every party on every college campus. The cup rattled slightly as she rocked the bike forwards and back with her feet. 

“What have you got there?” I inquired once I was next to her.

“Teeth.” The girl flashed me a grin that was missing a couple of incisors and maybe a bicuspid. Peering down at the cup and I saw she told no lie, it was about a quarter full of all manner of teeth.

“Wow, I’m guessing you only have a couple more to go until you have all you’re grown up teeth.”

Her grin grew even wider like a snakes “Oh, these aren’t my teeth.” With that she, dropped the cup into the wicker basket attached to her handle bars, turned her bike around and rode off into the distance.